High Style

Friday, May 25, 2012

Start Your Day With Green Lemonade!

      A great start to your day!  Proper hair care starts in the kitchen.  This green juice nourishes your cells from the inside out, tastes great, and gives you a natural buzz unlike a morning java fix.  I love to drink this before my kundalini or bikram yoga practice along with a spoonful of coconut cream.  This beverage will make you glow!  -Miranda Hunt 

Green Lemonade (Serves 2)
2 cups of filtered water
2 organic granny smith apples, cut into 6 pieces each
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
A thumb sized piece of ginger
1 tumeric rhizome (Found in Indian & Asian markets and some Whole Foods.  If not available, substitute 1 teaspoon ground tumeric.  Make sure it's fresh as ground spices quickly lose their vitality.)
2 cups of kale, packed
1 8" piece of burdock root, scrubbed (Burdock is a great blood purifier.) 

Place the above ingredients in a high speed blender and buzz until everything is homogeneous and smooth.  Pass juice through a strainer squeezing out as much liquid from the pulp as possible. Serve in glasses with ice if desired and a glass or metal straw to keep it natural. Enjoy! 

Miranda Hunt is the newest member of our Blogging Team!
Miranda Hunt is a chef and nutritionist from a petite town located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. She is the product of a macrobiotic pregnancy and grew up in a natural foods household. Miranda received a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Religion from S.U.N.Y. Old Westbury; writing her final thesis on the relationship between macrobiotics and the yin-yang theory of food. She is also a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and is an A.A.D.P. (American Association of Drugless Practitioners) certified natural nutritionist.
Miranda’s own nutritional theory is a combination of her macrobiotic background, fitness/sports nutrition, raw foods, paleo diets and the dietary theories of Dr. Weston A. Price.
Miranda provides an array of services to her clients such as: cooking classes, menu planning & creation, kitchen & bathroom makeovers, food store tours, weight loss coaching, personal training & private yoga instruction, and nutrition & beauty consultations. In addition, Miranda has also authored numerous articles on nutrition, writes medicinal marijuana recipes and is in the process of launching a food based skin care line.

For more about Miranda visit her website:  http://primalprincessmiranda.wordpress.com/home/ or contact Miranda at:  mirandanutrition@gmail.com

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